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Hey Doc, Mac'e dayak yemeyi mi öğretiyorsun?
~ Bald Bull (Wii)

Bald Bull is a 36-year-old Turkish boxer who has made the most video game appearances out of any of the Punch-Out!! boxers. Bald Bull first appeared as the third opponent in the 1984 arcade game Punch-Out!!. Bald Bull makes another comeback on the SNES in Super Punch-Out!! as the Minor Circuit Champion. Bald Bull can also be found in a cameo appearance as Mask X in the 1985 arcade game Arm Wrestling. Bald Bull has also appeared as a Hasbro Action Figure and in a Topps trading card series. Most recently in the Punch-Out!! Universe, Bald Bull appeared in Punch-Out!! Wii in 2009, as the #2 contender of the World Circuit.

Nicknamed "The Reckless Bald Bull", Bald Bull has become a video game icon and has earned a special place in the world of Nintendo, most recently making a return as a spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


Punch-Out!! (1984)

Bald bull

Bald Bull first appeared as the third opponent in the 1984 arcade game Punch-Out!!, where he was one of the heaviest opponents in the game. He'd attack much more and much quicker than the previous challengers. It takes quite some defending skills to defeat him, as he'll punch the player a lot, and use uppercuts more often than any opponent previously met by the player. He will also use a move where he goes back, jumps towards the player, and uses a strong uppercut that knocks the player down, instantly. If it's countered, he'll get knocked down instantly. Bald Bull dodges a lot more than the previous opponents. He has blue gloves and blue stripes on his shorts, instead of red, after Little Mac gets the Heavyweight Belt.

Hook: Bald Bull throws a hook, left or right. Can be countered or dodged

Uppercut: Bull throws a delayed uppercut, can be dodged.

Jab: He throws a jab, any technique is possible here.

Body Blow: He throws a body blow, can be dodged.

Bull Charge: He goes to the back of the ring and rushes back for a OHKO uppercut, can be countered or dodged.

Arm Wrestling (1985)

Bald Bull disguised as Mask X

Bald Bull appears as the third opponent in Arm Wrestling, disguised as Mask X. The only way to defeat him is by pulling his mask off, and then he'll be open for attack. The reward for defeating him is 50,000 points. Even though it's against the rules in arm wrestling, Bald Bull sometimes cheats by leaning back and trying to headbutt them, allowing him an opportunity to pull back their hand while they are stunned from it. If this happens five times in a single match then it will result in an instant loss, regardless of how much time is remaining.

After the 1st loop, Mask X is fought as the 2nd opponent instead of Kabuki, and introduces Skulls after you counter him. If you press the button on a skull, the opponent will reverse your counter and pull your arm down. To avoid a skull, you must wait until it turns into an arrow, then you are free to press the button on the arrow. Additionally, he will attempt to use his Bull Charge headbutt twice in a row, dodging them both will grant the player with Power. The fight still ends the same way, by pulling off his mask, revealing Bald Bull.

Aw 1-1

Bald Bull in Arm Wrestling after having his mask pulled off.

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!/Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream (1987 & 1990)

Bald Bull

Bald Bull returned to the ring in the NES game Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! in 1987; in which Little Mac first encounters him as the Major Circuit Champion and then later on as the #3 ranked competitor in the WVBA World Circuit.

In Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! Bald Bull is most famous for his special move: now called the 'Bull Charge,' in which he backs up several steps and then charges forward at an alarming rate, delivering a fast powerful uppercut. It can send Mac to the canvas in a single hit. Big right hooks, uppercuts, and spinning jabs are also part of Bald Bull's moveset. Also, he breaks out of a stun so fast that uppercuts cannot land into the stun (in his first version). Bald Bull returns later in the World Circuit even more powerful than before. Whenever Bald Bull defeats Little Mac, he starts mocking him by laughing at Mac's beaten body. While most boxers go airborne when they get knocked out, Bald Bull simply walks to the edge of the ring and drops. The second Bald Bull can be knocked down only by an uppercut or a Bull Charge counter; he does not go down when his health meter reaches zero, it just fills up again. Due to this, Bald Bull will dodge every uppercut if he is standing still. Bald Bull is also the only character, other than Little Mac, that can get back up on the count of 9 but he can only do this during the second fight against him. His head-swap is Mr. Sandman.


  • Left Jab: Bald Bull spins his fists and throws a jab. This can be dodged, ducked, blocked or countered with a jab.
  • Right Hook: Bald Bull moves his fists up and down, then throws a hook. This can be evaded in the same way as the jab, but it can only be countered with a left jab.
  • Uppercut: Bald Bull crouches down and throws an uppercut. Can be dodged or ducked.
  • Bull Charge: Bald Bull goes to the back of the ring, then jumps forward quickly and throws an uppercut. This, if it lands, will knock Little Mac down. If this is dodged, he will jump back and do it again until this is countered with a body blow, Mac is knocked down, or the round ends. In Bald Bull's second fight, if the first Bull Charge is dodged, he will do a quicker one with a bigger timing window.

Instant Knockdown: Counter the Bull Charge.

Instant Knockout (second fight): Counter the Bull Charge in Round 3 (Observation: In Round 3, Bull Charges work a little differently, 1st, the window is 4 frames in the rematch, but if you dodge in r1 and r2, the window is 13 frames and he continues halfway. In r3, it is always 4 frames because he backs up fully, but if you hit him in the first frame, he gets up, but the other 3 , he stays down).

Super Punch-Out!! (1994)

Sprite bald bull

Bald Bull returns in Super Punch-Out!! as the Minor Circuit Champion. He has a weaker defense and slower attacks than other games, but he still has his powerful 'Bull Charge'. Unlike in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Bald Bull won't keep using the Bull Charge until he hits the player or the round is over. He can also be defeated a lot quicker in the game as he doesn't block punches as much as he did in the previous games and he can't take as many punches. If he wins against your boxer by KO, he will 'Woo' twice and laugh at you but with a laugh of his own. If the win is by time up, he will squat down and uppercut.

He is a head-swap of Mr. Sandman, who later appears in the game as the Major Circuit Champion.


  • Jab: A simple jab. Cannot be low blocked.
  • Hook: Bald Bull does a hook. Cannot be low blocked.
  • Body Blow: Bald Bull attacks the body. Cannot be high blocked or ducked.
  • Uppercut: Bald Bull squats down and does an uppercut. Cannot be blocked.
  • Bull Charge: Bald Bull goes to the back of the ring, hops three times and does an uppercut that knocks the player down if it lands. It is possible that he will attempt again.
  • "Counter-attack!": When the cornerman says this, Bald Bull will do multiple Bull Charges in a row, alternating between two hops and a left uppercut, and three hops and a right uppercut.
  • Squat Combo: Bald Bull squats a bit and throws two uppercuts.
  • Head Shake Combo: Bald Bull shakes his head, then throws three jabs and an uppercut.

Instant Knockdown: Counter the Bull Charge with a body blow or hook.

Dizzy Knockdown: Bald Bull will spin around and move in a circle. Punch him when he is in the center.

Opponent Debug Commands:

Nothing on D-Pad Left Uppercut Left Body Blow Right Uppercut Right Body Blow
Up Bull Charge Left Jab Head Shake Combo Jab Right Hook
Down Head Shake Quick Bull Charge Quick Bull Charge Bull Charge with follow up

Punch-Out!! (2009)

Bald Bull makes a return in the Wii version of Punch-Out!! as the #2 contender in the World Circuit. Bald Bull is a very berserk boxer, almost like Mr. Sandman's personality. He also acts more like his name as he now grunts and moos like an actual bull. He retains his Bull Charge, but instead of bouncing, he runs towards you. During his "Bull Charge" animation, he will randomly stall when he does his Bull Charge. However, this can be countered by waiting to see when steam is exhaled from his nostrils, signaling that the Bull Charge is about to occur. When Bald Bull raises his fist to do the uppercut, do a hook for an instant knockdown. His other attacks include a powerful hook and two different kinds of jabs. He is voiced by Turkish voice actor Erse Yagan. His montage shows he is hounded by the paparazzi, even in the bath. This eventually sets off his temper, as he then proceeds to attack the paparazzi. He is also a masochist (as shown when he bashes his face against his ring post) and cares little about the spectators (tossing his dumbbell into the audience). He is presumably immune to hooks as he only allows one in a stun, after which, the stun will immediately end. If you lose to him, he will mock Little Mac by acting like a chicken.



  • Throw a delayed jab after the stun on his jab.
  • Jab him when he laughs during his taunt.
  • Throw two delayed jabs after the stun on his uppercut.
  • Counter his "Al lan" hook. The timing is strict.
  • Counter his uppercut with a left jab. The timing is strict.


  • Rolling Jabs: Bald Bull ducks down and rolls his fists, then goes back upright and throws a jab with either his left or right hand. Despite being jabs, these cannot be blocked. They can only be dodged or ducked.
  • Chuckle (Taunt): Bald Bull stands up straight, puts his hands to his hips, and chuckles at Mac. This happens if Mac is hit by a certain Right Uppercut in Bald Bull's attack pattern. Jab him when he laughs for a star.
  • "Al lan!" (Right Hook): Bald Bull says "Al lan!!" as he pumps his fists up and down, then throws a hook with his right hand. This can be either dodged to the left or ducked.
  • Right Uppercut: A strong, fast right uppercut. Dodging it will start a four-punch stun. Can also happen if you get blocked enough times in a row.
  • Bull Charge: Bald Bull's signature move. He will step to the back of the ring, snorting and stomping his feet as his skin turns red. When steam blows from his nose, he will charge at Mac with a right uppercut so strong that, if it connects, will knock Mac down instantly. However, countering with a hook right when he reaches you will instantly knock him down.

Instant Knockdown:

  • Counter the Bull Charge by a hook or a Star Punch of any amount.

Instant Knockout:

  • Counter the Bull Charge with a Three-Star Punch (only works if you haven't been hit).

Stun Limits:

  • His Jab: 2 and a delayed jab
  • His Hook (if ducked): 3 and a delayed jab
  • His Hook (if dodged): 4
  • His Uppercut: 4 to 7 (depending on how early you hit him).

Title Defense Mode

Bald Bull returns as an opponent in Title Defense Mode with a new attack scheme. He looks the same except he now wears burgundy shorts instead of green and white. Just like in the second fight against him in the NES version, he can only be knocked down with a Star Punch because if you knock him down normally, he will stumble back, straighten himself up, laugh at Mac, and regain 1/4 of his health meter. The reason for this is that, according to his bio slideshow, ever since he lost, he trained against bulls, and found a way to regain his balance after being knocked back.

He maintains his love of self-abuse in Title Defense mode as well (repeatedly punching himself in the face before the fight begins). Unlike the NES version, countering the Bull Charge with a hook counts as a standard punch knockdown, however you do get a star to knock him down for real. Bald Bull can delay his rolling jabs so the player should only react when Bald Bull flashes red. If you lose to him, he chases the Referee, yells, and (illegally) headbutts him.


  • Throw two delayed jabs after dodging his rolling jab (timing is very strict).
  • Throw two delayed jabs after the stun on his pumping hook (timing is very strict).
  • Throw two delayed jabs after the stun on his uppercut (timing is very strict).
  • Throw two delayed jabs after the stun on his "Al lan" hook (timing is very strict).
  • Counter the Bull Charge with a normal punch.
  • Counter his pumping hook.
  • Counter his "Al lan" hook.
  • Counter his uppercut.
  • Hit him with a jab during his taunt.
  • Hit him with a jab during his taunt early, and do 2 delayed punches (timing is very strict).
  • If he does his delayed Rolling Jab, and rolls for longer than 1.25 seconds, do a right punch while he still rolls.


  • Rolling Jab: Bald Bull will duck to one side, roll his fists around, and do a jab. If he ducks to his right, the punch will be thrown almost immediately. If he ducks to his left, the punch has 3 types of delays.
  • Right Hook: Bald Bull will pump his fists up and down and throw a right hook. It is essentially his "Al lan!" hook from Contender mode, except Bald Bull doesn't yell "Al lan!".
  • "Al lan!" (Delayed Left Hook): Unlike his Contender move, Bald Bull will raise his left fist, then swing it in a hook after a delay. Used after his first knockdown. It must be dodged to the right or ducked. A dodge will start a three-punch stun, while a duck will start a four-punch stun.
  • Uppercut: A faster, stronger version of his Contender uppercut. Dodging it will start a five to eight-punch stun. (Note: During the first round, if Mac does nothing after being hit by Bald Bull's uppercut once, Bald Bull will continue to uppercut him until he's down.)
  • Bull Charge: A faster version of the classic Bull Charge. Bald Bull can still delay it. Countering it will not knock him down, but it will still empty his health, though he will recover. You have to use a star punch to finish him.
  • Taunt: The same taunt as Contender. Hit him when he flashes yellow for a star. He will usually do this a couple moves after he recovers from a normal punch knockdown.

Instant Knockdowns:

  • Counter the Bull Charge with a normal punch, then throw a Star Punch before he returns to the center.
  • Counter the Bull Charge with a Star Punch.

Instant Knockouts:

  • Counter his Bull Charge with a Three-Star Punch (only works if you haven't been hit).
  • When he recovers from a Bull Charge counter, use a Three-Star Punch before he returns to the center (only works if you haven't been hit).
  • Counter two Bull Charges with a Star Punch.
  • Knock him down with a Three-Star Punch 3 times.


  • Use a star punch when he does the longest delay on his jab. He will dodge, but a punch after that results in a star and Bald Bull will not react.
  • If Bald Bull is one hit away from a knockdown, timing a punch correctly will result in him ending the round with no health, and any punch afterwards will knock him down.
    • If this happens, timing a Star Punch on Bald Bull's uppercut will result in both fighters taking damage at the same time, and Bald Bull will use his hook knockdown animation that can normally be seen only in Contender. The knockdown is not recorded visually (it is internally, the sequence is not started properly), but knocking him down again will count two knockdowns at the same time visually.
    • Little Mac will also not get tired when he runs out of hearts until he counters one of Bald Bull's attacks, gets hit, completes a stun, or uses a Star Punch.

Stun Limits:

  • His Hooks (if dodged): 3
  • His Hooks (if ducked): 4
  • His Uppercut: 5 to 8 (depending on how early you hit him)

Exhibition Challenges


  1. Stop the Bull Charge...with a Star Punch!
  2. TKO or KO Bald Bull in Round 1.
  3. Find 4 different ways to earn Stars.

Title Defense:

  1. Land three 3-Star Punches.
  2. Complete Round 1 without taking or dealing damage and still win!
  3. Defeat Bald Bull in less then 100 seconds!

Rule Infractions

As per the unified rules of boxing established by the Association of Boxing Commissions and Combat Sports:

  • After winning the fight in Title Defense Mode, Bald Bull attacks the referee and throws him out of the ring via ramming into him out of blind rage, which is an action that would result in a temporary ban from the ring, even if it happens outside of the match.
  • He seems to apply hot towels to his head during corner breaks, being a possible reference to the Turkish practice of barbers placing hot towels on customer's faces to relax them and soften their hair, making it easier to cut off. Only cold towels are allowed to be used in this case.
    • However, it is possible that he is actually using cold towels, but they are generating steam from his burning rage, as which is something that can actually happen during his matches.
  • He is shown lifting a dumbbell in the corner breaks. The dumbbell counts as a foreign object, which is not allowed.
    • This counts as a double infraction, as he uses the dumbbell to enhance his strength, which counts as the use of a foreign object, which is a separate infraction of bringing it into the ring.
      • It is illegal to enhance strength in the middle of a boxing fight or corner break due to illegal advantage.
    • Upon getting back into a match, he throws the dumbbell he was using into the crowd. This counts as interfering with the crowd, which is not allowed.
      • The dumbbell would likely hit, if not kill someone in the audience, especially considering how close together the spectators are in this case, including the fact that the dumbbell actually does enter the crowd.
        • However, it could be argued the dumbbell is instead a prop, but when Bald Bull throws it out, a loud metallic crashing sound is heard, implying it is in fact a regular dumbbell, along with being quite heavy.
  • He shows signs of some mental disease because of his bull-like behavior, such as him seemingly thinking he is a bull. If this is true, then he would not be allowed to participate in boxing until his mental state improves but this could be an act seeing as his corner quotes seem surprisingly normal for his current state.
    • In addition, Bald Bull seems to have anger issues, also making him unable to compete because being angry can raise the probability of killing his opponent, although this is not fully confirmed.
  • His taunting to Doc and Mac could be seen as disrespectful, though this is decided by the referee.
  • During his second fight in the NES game, he sometimes tries to bait his opponent into hitting him and he will not hit his opponent until he feels like returning to attack his opponent.
    • Even if this happens briefly, this still counts as prolonging the fight, which is not allowed.
      • However, he could be retreating to catch his breath and Mac doesn’t follow to continue his attack which happens in some fights.
  • Bald Bull repeatedly punches himself and slams his head against the boxing ring post, which raises health and safety concerns, even if he does not seem to be affected while doing so but, seeing as his bull character is most likely an act, he probably isn’t hitting himself hard enough to raise health concerns and he probably knows how to hit the ring post without hurting himself where he probably got permission from the referee to further elevate his character.
    • This counts as 2 infractions, as it can also be seen as throwing the match although it could have been passable.

Bald Bull has 5 infractions and 8 possible infractions.

Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS (2014)

In this game, Bald Bull appears as a trophy. He has two different descriptions depending on your console region.

NA: This 36-year-old Turkish boxer is in the prime of his career. He often tries to intimidate his opponent before a match even starts. He'll snort through his nose before charging his foe, a move called the Bull Charge. If he lands this blow, you can be sure Little Mac will hit the mat.

PAL: A 36-year-old Turkish boxer in the prime of his career. His name hints at his bullish nature. In the match itself, you'll see him snort through his nostrils before using his special move, the Bull Charge. Little Mac's going to need to keep all his wits about him to avoid being bowled over by that one.


SSB4 - Bald Bull

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Bald Bull appears as a Spirit in the game. He is an Advanced Support spirit that increases Trade-Off Defense. He is also a Shield Spirit with a power of 4,400. His Spirit Battle has him possessing the body of a Giant Little Mac on the Boxing Ring. The enemy’s dash attacks have increased power, most likely to represent the Bull Charge. The enemy has super armor but moves slower. And like all Punch-Out!! Spirits, it‘s a Stamina Battle.



Punch-Out!! (arcade)

  • "C'mon!! C'mon!!" (When charging his Bull Charge)
  • "Hua ha ha ha!" (Victory)

Punch-Out!! featuring Mr. Dream (NES)

  • "Doc can't help you now. Will you beg me for help?"
  • "Hey! Little Mac! Maybe Doc should throw you a towel!"
  • "My barber didn't know when to quit… do you?"
  • "This time I'm gonna charge right over you!" (World Circuit only)
  • "Zip your lip, Doc. Little Mac is mine now."

Super Punch-Out!! (SNES)

  • "You'll be down for the count with one punch from my "Bull Charge". (first match)
  • "You've got a lot of guts to challenge me again!" (rematch)
  • "Don't be so proud. I pulled my punches when we fought." (endgame)
  • "Oogh!" (After being hit)
  • "Orrugh!" (After being knocked down)
  • "Oh, oh, wahahahaha!" (Victory by KO)
  • "Counterattack!" (His cornerman, enabling a flurry of Bull Charges, right after Bald Bull recovers from his second knockdown)

Punch-Out!! (Wii)

  • "Ah be...!" (English translation: "Darn it...!")
  • "Al, Al, Al, Al, Al! Yerim seni lan! Waaaaaagh!!" meaning "Here, here, here, here, here! I'll eat you! Waaaaaaaah!!" (Contender intro)
  • "Al lan!!" meaning "Take that!!"
  • "Aman!" meaning "Oh!" (closest meaning)
  • "Ben de onun kemiklerini çatır çutur kırmassam bana da 'Bald Bull' demesinler.", meaning "If I don't break his bones, then don't call me 'Bald Bull'." (Title Defense pre-Round)
  • "Hey Doc, Mac'e dayak yemeyi mi öğretiyorsun?" meaning "Hey Doc, are you teaching Mac how to get beaten?" (Contender Round Intermission)
  • "Allah, kahretsin, kahretsin, kahretsin... KAHRETSİN!" meaning "God damn it, damn it, damn it... DAMN IT!" (Please note that he is not actually swearing. "Kahretsin" is a Turkish word that is used in frustration and doesn't have an exact English equivalent, with "damn it" being the closest, albeit still very loose.) (Title Defense intro)
  • "Karavana!" meaning "Missed!"
  • "Little Mac, heh heh. Yani 'İşe yaramaz Mac'." meaning "Little Mac, heh heh. More like 'Useless Mac'." (Contender Round Intermission)
  • "Seni Bald Bull'dan kimse kurtaramaz!" meaning "No one can save you from Bald Bull!" (Title Defense Round Intermission)
  • "Seni şamar oğlanı yapacağım!" meaning "I'll make you a whipping boy!" (Title Defense Round Intermission)
  • "Şimdi gösteririm!" meaning "I'll show you!" (Contender pre-Round and when Mac recovers from getting knocked down)
  • "Vay be!" meaning "Wow!"
  • "Yerim seni!" meaning "I would eat you!"
  • "Var mı lan bana yan bakan? Hayır?! Şakır da şukur! Şakır da şukur! Şakır da şukur! Şakır da şukur!" meaning "Anyone dares to challenge me? (Rough Translation) No?! Chant! Chant! Chant! Chant!" (Contender win)
  • "Bana yan bakana, yan çakarım lan!!" meaning "Whoever looks at me sideways, I'll knock'em off!!" (Title Defense win)

Doc Louis' Tips

  • "Gotta have guts, son! Dig down deep!! Stand up to this bull! Knock the bull outta Bald Bull!"
  • "I knew I should have brought my shades. The glare off Bald Bull's big head is hurting my eyes!"
  • "Ok Mac, be patient. Wait for that hook. He's open just before he throws it!"
  • "Hey, Mac baby, tell me something. When Bald Bull washes his face, does he know when to stop? Ha, ha!" (Contender)
  • "Hey, Mac baby! If you can't beat Bald Bull in a fight... how about an arm wrestle? Ha ha ha!" (Contender and Title Defense)
  • "Listen up, Mac baby. Bald Bull won't go down with a normal punch. There's gotta be a way to hurt him!" (Title Defense)
  • "Ok son, check it out, check it out. Seems like I can see your reflection in Bald Bull's forehead!" (Title Defense)
  • "Listen, son. When this sucka starts his Bull Charge, take the bull by the horns, and then stop him in this tracks!"
  • "Hey, son. Remind me never to visit Bald Bull's barber!"
  • "Hey, Mac baby. It’s time to get serious. Stand your ground. Let’s take that bull by the horns!"
  • "Join Club Nintendo today, Mac!"

List of game appearances

This is a list of game appearances for Bald Bull. Punch-Out!! titles are in bold.

Title Year System Role
Punch-Out!! 1984 Arcade Opponent
Arm Wrestling 1985 Arcade Opponent
Punch-Out!! 1987 Nintendo Entertainment System Opponent
Super Punch-Out!! 1994 Super Nintendo Entertainment System Opponent
Fight Night Round 2 2005 GameCube Opponent in the bonus game Super Punch-Out!!
WarioWare: Smooth Moves 2006 Wii Cameo in microgame
WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase 2009 Wii (WiiWare) Opponent in microgame
Punch-Out!! 2009 Wii Opponent
NES Remix 2 and Ultimate NES Remix 2014 Nintendo 3DS, Wii U Opponent in mini-games
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U 2014 Nintendo 3DS, Wii U Trophy
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2018 Nintendo Switch Spirit


  • Bald Bull could be the direct opposite of Don Flamenco where instead of baiting, he directly attacks and Don is a Bull fighter and Bull acts like a Bull and where Don is more of a swarmer, Bull is a slugger, Don attacks with grace and Bull attacks with sheer power.
  • Bald Bull's stereotype is derived from the simile "strong as an ox". In French, this simile is rendered as "fort comme un turc", meaning literally "strong as a Turk".
  • Bald Bull is one of the only fighters to fight like a normal boxer, Mr. Sandman and Piston Honda are the only other fighters to not have Illegal strikes or gimmicks (Soda could be on here if it wasn’t for his soda bottle taunt or his get up animation) as Piston would only get in trouble for his foreign objects he brings into the ring during his corner rests and his headband, same with Bull as he would only get in trouble for his weights he brings into the ring.
  • Bald Bull is one of the more honorable fighters in punch out with only 5 infractions all tied to his dumbbell which is ironic since his character is supposed to be reckless.
  • Bald Bull has appeared in almost every Punch-Out!! game, including Arm Wrestling. The only game he didn't appear in was the arcade version of Super Punch-Out!!, as it didn't featured any of the opponents from Punch-Out!! for arcade. This makes him the opponent who appeared in the most games, and even the character with the most appearances overall if the Challenger and Little Mac aren't the same character.
  • One of Doc Louis's quotes in regards to fighting Bald Bull has him asking Little Mac if he can beat Bald Bull in arm wrestling, if Little Mac can't beat him in a boxing match. This was a reference to the spin-off game Arm Wrestling, where Bald Bull made a cameo as Mask X to participate in an arm wrestling match.
    • Another one of Doc Louis' quotes has him not wanting to go to Bald Bull's barber. This is in reference to one of Bald Bull's quotes in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!/Punch-Out!! featuring Mr. Dream.
  • In Title Defense Mode, if you use a Star Punch before he attacks, a cow is heard and he will dodge it.
  • In Title Defense Bald Bull has the tied record for the lowest amount of punches needed to KO him, the other boxer being Glass Joe who only needs four punches in his Contender and Title Defense fight. The second lowest amount is from Great Tiger who only needs five, and the third lowest is Disco Kid who needs eight punches.
  • In all of the 2D Punch-Out!! games, Bald Bull uses the same sprites as Mr. Sandman.
    • Coincidentally, the style of his lips and Mr. Sandman's have been mirrored on the Wii version. On the earlier Punch-Out games, Bald Bull had huge lips and Mr. Sandman didn't, while in their recent 2009 appearance, Mr. Sandman has huge lips instead of Bald Bull.
  • Bald Bull and Piston Hondo are the only characters to be featured in the Minor, Major and World Circuits, not counting their Title Defense bouts in Punch Out!! (Wii)
  • Bald Bull and Great Tiger are the only international boxers in Punch Out!! (Wii) to not hail from the capital city of their respective countries.
  • In Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!/Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream Bald Bull and Mr. Sandman are the only two boxers who don't get a small theme when the round starts, Mr. Sandman will instead show off his Dreamland Express while Bald Bull will just stand there before walking over to Little Mac to start the fight.
  • Curiously, in the SNES installment of Punch-Out!!, if he knocks you down in his flurry of Bull Charges and you recover, he will switch to his normal fighting stance.
  • Bald Bull is one of three characters to attack the referee, the others being Aran Ryan and Super Macho Man.
  • It is implied that his "wild man" personality is at least in part an act for the crowd. In his bio montage, he was remarkably calm when encountering the paparazzi (it was only when the paparazzi invaded his privacy when he attacked them). In-between rounds, he speaks in a relatively friendly tone and casually cracks jokes at Doc and Little Mac.
  • In the Contender fight against Bald Bull, if you use a Star Punch at the right time (during the cutscene) the camera will go to the left of Bald Bull and show him and Little Mac from the side. The glitch ends when either of the characters are knocked down or you use a star punch.
  • In Super Smash Bros for 3DS, Bald Bull in his Contender attire appears as a trophy.
  • Bald Bull is also the only boxer that partially goes outside the boxing ring when knocked down. He does this in every game he appears in, with the exception of Super Punch-Out!!
  • Unlike other games (except Punch-Out!! on the NES), in Punch-Out!! (Wii), if you never counter the Bull Charge, Bald Bull will throw 3 uppercuts (4 in Title Defense) instead of just one, but then switch back to his normal fighting stance.
  • The amount of wins that Bald Bull has (34) is the same as the number used in the license plate number for Istanbul.
  • In Super Punch-Out!! (SNES), the perfect time against Bald Bull is 0'08"24 in the NTSC version, first achieved by zallard1, and 0'08"19 in the PAL version, first achieved by Lixunis.
  • The default names in Best Time for this opponent in Super Punch-Out (SNES) are:
    • 1. Howard (0' 51" 06)
    • 2. Terry (1' 10" 10)
    • 3. Russell (1' 24" 87)
    • 4. Melissa (1' 46" 20)
    • 5. James (1' 51" 29)
    • 6. Eric (2' 07" 95)
    • 7. Peach (2' 19" 69)
    • 8. ZAP (2' 37" 13)
Punch-Out!! characters
Punch-Out!! (1984) Challenger · Glass Joe · Piston Hurricane · Bald Bull · Kid Quick · Pizza Pasta · Mr. Sandman
Super Punch-Out!! (1985) Challenger · Bear Hugger · Dragon Chan · Vodka Drunkenski · Great Tiger · Super Macho Man
Arm Wrestling Challenger · Texas Mac · Kabuki · Mask X · Alice & Ape III · Frank Jr.
Punch-Out!! (1987) Little Mac · Doc Louis · Glass Joe · Von Kaiser · Piston Honda · Don Flamenco · King Hippo · Great Tiger · Bald Bull · Soda Popinski · Mr. Sandman · Super Macho Man · Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream
Super Punch-Out!! (1994) Little Mac · Gabby Jay · Bear Hugger · Piston Hurricane · Bald Bull · Bob Charlie · Dragon Chan · Masked Muscle · Mr. Sandman · Aran Ryan · Heike Kagero · Mad Clown · Super Macho Man · Narcis Prince · Hoy Quarlow · Rick Bruiser · Nick Bruiser
Punch-Out!! (2009) Little Mac · Doc Louis · Glass Joe · Von Kaiser · Disco Kid · King Hippo · Piston Hondo · Bear Hugger · Great Tiger · Don Flamenco · Aran Ryan · Soda Popinski · Bald Bull · Super Macho Man · Mr. Sandman · Donkey Kong