Punch-Out!! Wiki

ReadySettySpaghetti ReadySettySpaghetti 13 January

Deletion of Frank Bruno's Boxing-related articles

I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on deleting the articles related to Frank Bruno's Boxing. While this is primarily a yes or no question, I'd appreciate it if you provide further reasoning in your response. - ReadySettySpaghetti (talk) 12:20, 13 January 2025 (UTC)

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BlackstarIsCool BlackstarIsCool 27 December 2024

Punch-Out: The Animated Series (IDEA)

  • Nicolas Cantu (Leonardo from TOTTMNT) as Little Mac (I don’t know much young VAs so bare with me)
  • Gary Anthony Williams as Doc Louis
  • Michel Michelis (Tomber from Cars 2) as Glass Joe
  • Alan Oppenheimer (Ludwing Von Richtor from Jumanji: The Animated Series) as Von Kaiser
  • Donny Lucas as Disco Kid (His voice can stay the same, I was thinking Bowie from TDI but it just didn’t feel right to me)
  • Bill Faggerbakke (Broadway from Gargoyles) as King Hippo
  • Togo Igawa (Hiro from TTTE) as Piston Hondo
  • Richard Newman as Bear Hugger (His voice stays the same too)
  • Brian George (Guru Pathik from Avatar: The Last Airbender) as Great Tiger
  • Arturo Del Puerto (Rico Villalobos from Elena of Avalor) from as Don Flamenco
  • Stephen Webster as Aran Ryan (Nobody can replace Stephen)
  • Fred Tatasc…
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ReadySettySpaghetti ReadySettySpaghetti 5 August 2023

I changed my mind

I'm going to adopt this wiki to prevent future vandalism wars and even doxxing. Is everyone alright with this? Yes or no, and why or why not?

ReadySettySpaghetti (talk) 12:47, 5 August 2023 (UTC)

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S617519 S617519 5 March 2022

"Super Punch-Out!!" - Sound Library

After reading that you can access the Super Nintendo installment of "Super Punch-Out!!"'s sound test by pressing 'L'+'R' and 'A' on player 2's controller, I tried doing so on Super Nintendo Entertainment System Online for Nintendo Switch, and it actually worked. To use the Sound Library, move up and down to switch between music and sound effects, and left and right in either section to switch between pieces of sound. Press 'A' to play your selection, and 'B' to stop (the 'B' button will not work for sound effects). When you switch between sections while something is playing, it just stops. When you're done, just press the 'Start' button. To access this secret again, you'll have to reset the game. So, for those who have always wondered, the…

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Beetster Beestar Beetster Beestar 18 November 2021

will there ever be a official punch-out wiki server

will there be a punch out wiki discord server? you know, ones with stuff like made by official admins of the wiki.

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NoonboryKedabory NoonboryKedabory 31 October 2021

Discord Server

I started a Punch-Out!! themed Discord server today, if anyone would like to join.

This is not affiliated with the wiki, just something I did for fun.


Rules are in the server

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Hsusnjsj Hsusnjsj 4 August 2021

Not to brag or anything but

I just beaten soda popinski first try

with save states

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BeeterMcDeeter BeeterMcDeeter 6 November 2020


hello, i am pretty much BeeterMcGlassJoe,but im using this account instead,

i actually broke a rule about fangame meterial


thats it

thank you for all the guy who started it all.

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BeeterMcGlassJoe BeeterMcGlassJoe 16 June 2020

Mr.Sandman Vs Nick Bruiser

what if 2 final bosses fight eachother (maybe in the world circuit or special circuit) and in punch-out arcade, mr.sandman is the final boss (i think), in super punch-out, mr,,sandman was demoted to the major circuit, maybe because of little mac's win, (i think) now lets talk about nick bruiser, nick bruiser is in the special circuit, he never lost to any battle (not really) and he was the champion of them all! well rick brusier is almost a champion as nick bruiser, honestly i think mr.sandman and nick bruiser would be a perfect battle.

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BeeterMcGlassJoe BeeterMcGlassJoe 13 June 2020

About My Favorite Character "Glass Joe"

my favorite punch-out character is glass joe, due to his many weakness and clumsiness, about glass joe's 1st victory goes to rick bruiser, but he says he has no loses, and no, he didnt win to gabby jay, gabby jay defeated glass joe, so nick bruiser retired because of his lost, anyways glass joe is the 1st battle you beat in punch-out NES and punch-out WII, nobody just likes him due to his many loses and things, but i think thats enough information.

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DarkRookYT V2 DarkRookYT V2 22 May 2020

Some stuff i've seen in Super Punch Out SNES

They say that Heike Kagero is the only one who gets up at 1. However, I was battling Sandman the other day and he got up at one. Same day, some hours before, Gabby Jay gets up at 9. I'm confused, it doesn't say those two fighters can get up at those times.

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Frankie29 Frankie29 4 May 2020

How to Regain Full Health when Getting Back up From a Knockdown in Punch-Out!! Wii

That's the whole question really.

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SNES Mac SNES Mac 27 May 2019


I played Punch-Out and finished it so I thought Super Punch-Out would be fun. It is, but one nitpick I have is how SNES Mac FUCKING MOANS when he is hit. I don't mind when characters make noises but my guy sounds like he is being given a blowjob each time he gets hit. He sounds so sexually aroused everytime he gets punched or he gets knocked out, its FUCKING ANNOYING! Do you know how stupid he is when he is viciously punched and getting beat til he's unconscious and then he goes like as if he is having the best orgasm in his life. "E-EUUUUUUUGH!" Its fucking stupid, its like he is mocking me everytime I get hit. Does anyone else find this sensually arousing moans the character makes when hit annoying too?

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Brutalrattle1 Brutalrattle1 20 January 2018

How to beat Glass Joe and Von Kaiser

Glass Joe is already an easy character but you can beat him in about 30 (in game) seconds.

Step 1. When he does his taunt, punch him and he will move a little bit, as soon as he steps back to the middle, punch him again in the stomach and you should have 2 stars already

Step 2. After you do Step 1, punch him in the face 3 times and stop for a split second. Check to see if his gloves are up covering his face or down covering his stomach. If they are up, punch him in the stomach 3 times. If his gloves are down, punch him in the face one more time then punch him 3 times in the stomach. After the 3 punches, keep repeating 3 punches in the face, then stomach. After a while, you should get a star.

Step 3. After you get the star, he should do hi…

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PublicMinority87 PublicMinority87 7 December 2017

A way to beat Glass Joe

I will add more pages for strageties later, but for now I will do Glass Joe.

Start wailing on Glass Joe with uppercuts and jabs until he steps back. As soon as he comes forward punch him and you instantly knocked him down

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RuRuben Madrid RuRuben Madrid 27 December 2016

punch/out/info/for more

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SonictheHedgehogFan24 SonictheHedgehogFan24 6 June 2016

Top 10 Punch-Out!! Characters of ALL TIME!

Punch-Out!! has been in a bit of a period of silence lately, and our "Champion from the Bronx" (Little Mac) hasn't made an official appearance since Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. However, all the opponents that he had to face to become Minor, Major, and World Circuit champion (and Special Circuit, if playing Super Punch-Out!! for the SNES) provided a ton of challenges, and a lot of fun, for our hero, and his trainer, Doc Louis. I'm here to count down the "Top 10 Punch-Out!! characters of all time."

Note: Keep in mind this list is MY OPINION. Others may have different views on the characters. If so, please make your own list.

  • 1 #10: Super Macho Man
  • 2 #9: King Hippo
  • 3 #8: Gabby Jay
  • 4 #7: Piston Hondo
  • 5 #6: Von Kaiser

"Are you ready? Beca…

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Skullmahogany Skullmahogany 17 July 2015


I'm an admin! Yea!

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Bullet Francisco Bullet Francisco 12 August 2011

I'm Back

I was on a little vacation for the past few months, but no worries, I'm back. --Bullet Francisco14:19, August 12, 2011 (UTC)

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Bullet Francisco Bullet Francisco 8 August 2011

My Layout For the Wiki for the next few months.

I plan on highly expanding this wiki. Here is my plan:

First, I will make the templates necessary for this wiki.

Second, I will add the templates to every page based on what they need (Stub, Missing Image, Delete, etc.)

Third, when my adoption request is successful, I will go through every page and make sure its legit, I will also try to unstub every article, and make pages for all the games and characters.

Fourth, I will set up the MediaWiki pages.

Fifth, I will set up a main page.

Sixth, Upon reaching 200 pages, I will do my best to Spotlight this wiki, attracting new users, and possible admins.

I plan on making this wiki highly recognized and to do that, I need help. I cant do this on my own, after all.

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