Punch-Out!! Wiki
Join the Nintendo Fun- I-I mean, Club Nintendo today, Mac.
~ Doc Louis (Wii)

Doc Louis (ドック・ルイス Dokku Ruisu) is an ex world heavyweight boxing champion, and Little Mac's coach. He is very engaged in Mac's training and matches. In the NES and Wii installments, Doc trains Little Mac as he fights throughout the World Video Boxing Association circuits. This often includes Mac running behind Louis as he rides his bike, now one of the most iconic features of the Punch-Out!! series. He also invented the Star Punch, Mac's strongest move.

He is voiced by Riley Inge.


Formerly a World Heavyweight boxer, Doc Louis' presence achieved fame in the United States around 1954.[1] During his time as a boxer it is implied that Doc developed a rivalry or became a trainer with Bald Bull. Decades later Doc, now coaching the sport, has a chance encounter with a young fighter named Little Mac, who has aspirations to box professionally. Louis agrees to take charge of Mac, teaching him everything there is to know about boxing. In between rounds, Doc Louis often advises on a weakness or trick in Little Mac's opponent for him to exploit. With the Wii reboot of Punch-Out!!, he also appears to have taken a liking to chocolate bars and uses a lot of bad jokes. In the NES incarnations of Punch-Out!! as well as the 2009 Wii reboot, Doc Louis can often be seen training Little Mac during cinematics. However, it is not until Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! that players can actually train against him as part of gameplay.

During corner breaks of the Punch-Out!! (Wii), he explains in more detail on an opponent's weaknesses and techniques they use along with making mention on what techniques Mac should use for each opponent and how he should avoid certain attacks. He will also encourage Little Mac into defeating his opponent and at times mock some opponents such as Aran Ryan, but at times may mention trivial information about some boxers like Super Macho Man's fame, fortune and his Hollywood connection. Besides this, he may also talk about random topics like chocolate and Club Nintendo.


In all modes of Doc Louis's Punch Out!!, Doc plays similarly to some of the opponents in the Wii version of Punch Out!!. As he is training Mac, he uses every type of punch against him, and intentionally telegraphs them, usually by saying something before attacking, such as "Dodge!" or "Duck this one!". Chocolate bars fly off Doc Louis's head if the player manages to stun him.

In Sparring Match, he will begin using Star Punches. Before he attempts to hit you with a Star Punch, he gets a star off you by hitting you with a very quick hook (though it can be avoided) and then throwing the Star Punch. His Star Punch is so strong it immediately takes off all your stamina, resulting in a knockdown. Occasionally, he will take out a chocolate bar. If you hit it out of his hands, he will get enraged and take off his usual track jacket, revealing his jaguar-pattern shirt and shows a very amusing reaction from Little Mac showing disgust from it, as well as a very humorous and probably serious message from WVBA after the cut scene. He will also recover all of his stamina immediately after (this is inevitable). Also, if you don't hit the chocolate bar, he will recover stamina in the same manner as when you knock it out of Doc's hands the first time. Like King Hippo, you only need to knock him down once to KO him.

Instant knockout: Use a Three Star Punch so it counters a Shuffle attack.


  • When Doc Louis says "Duck this one!" right jab at the right time.
  • When Doc Louis says "Block this" hit him with a hook.
  • When Doc Louis says "Come on!" strike him with a left jab.
  • When Doc Louis says "Keep 'em up!" land a hook on him quickly.
  • When Doc Louis prepares his uppercut and says "Dodge!" hit him with a left jab.
  • When Doc Louis says "Get low!" use the hook on Doc Louis.
  • When Doc Louis says "Quick feet Mac!" use the left hook.


  • "Dodge!" (Delayed Right Uppercut): Doc shouts "Dodge!", then throws a slightly delayed uppercut with his right hand.
  • "Block This!" (Left Jab): Doc says "Block this!" as he quivers his left fist, then throws a jab with it. Though it is meant to be blocked, it can also be either ducked or dodged.
  • "Duck this One!" (Delayed Right Hook): Doc waves his right arm in the air and shouts "Duck this one!" before throwing a hook with it. As Doc's words imply, this move can only be ducked.
  • "Come On!" (Fast Right Uppercut): Doc shouts "Come on!", then throws a fast uppercut with his right hand.
  • "Get Low!" (Fast Two-Jab Combo): Doc shouts "Get low!", then throws two jabs in quick succession. Though meant to be ducked, the first jab can be blocked. However, blocking the first jab will result in getting hit by the second one.
  • "Keep 'em Up!" (Fast Left Jab): Doc shouts "Keep 'em up!", then throws a fast jab with his left hand.
  • Shuffle: Doc will shuffle in place, predicting one of two outcomes depending on what he says:
    • "Move, Baby, Move!" (Left Jab): If Doc says "Move, baby, move!", he will throw a jab with his left hand.
    • "Quick Feet, Mac!" (Right Hook): If Doc says "Quick feet, Mac!", he will throw a right hook. The hook can be dodged to the left or ducked.
  • Chocolate Break: Doc steps back to the edge of the ring, pulls out a chocolate bar, and takes a bite out of it, recovering his stamina entirely.
  • Chocolate Break (Taunt): Doc pulls out a chocolate bar with his right hand and says "Check this out!" as he holds it in front of Mac, then takes a bite it, recovering some of his stamina. To prevent this, Mac must punch the chocolate bar out of Doc's hand. It is similar to Soda Popinski's similar Soda Taunt. Watch Doc's arm: If his arm crosses his body, do a right hook, but if it doesn't, do a left hook. It is also possible to remove it with a Star Punch. (Note: Doc will always eat the chocolate bar--thus, recover stamina--when he does this taunt for the first time; even if Mac punches the bar out of Doc's hand, Doc will simply take out another one and eat it after he "transforms".)
  • "Woo-wee!" (Fast Left Hook): Doc shouts "Woo-wee!" as he throws an incredibly quick hook with his left hand. If said hook connects, Doc will get a star. It is also the only move Doc has with which he can get a star.
  • Star Punch: Doc's signature move (which he invented). Doc shouts "I invented the Star Punch!" as he throws out a spinning uppercut with his right hand so strong that, if it connects, will knock Mac down instantly. Just like Mac in the Wii version of Punch-Out!!, if Doc is hit while in possession of a star, he will lose it.


Punch-Out!! (NES):[]

  • "Stick and move, stick and move!"
  • "Put him away!!"
  • “Dancin’ like a fly, bite like a mosquito!”
  • "Keep your guard up!"
  • "Watch his left!"
  • "One two, one two punch Mac!"
  • “Listen Mac!! Give him a fast upper-cut when he's stunned!”
  • “Listen Mac!! Dodge his punch then counter-punch!”
  • “Listen Mac!! Catch him off-guard to stun him! Then unload on him!”
  • "Yes you can, Mac!" (Response to Little Mac saying "I can't win, Doc!")
  • "Hang in there, Mac!" (Response to Little Mac saying "I'm tired, Doc!")
  • "Don't give up, Mac! Fight!!" (Response to Little Mac saying "He's hurt me, Doc!")
  • "Join the Nintendo Fun Club today! Mac." (Response to Little Mac saying "Help! Doc!!")
  • "Don't give up, Mac! He has a weakness........" (King Hippo intermission)
  • "Don't give up, Mac! Make him close his big mouth" (King Hippo intermission)
  • “His father was a great magician in India. Don’t be charmed by his magic punches.” (Great Tiger intermission)
  • "Mac! Watch his Bull Charge! Stand up to him!" (Bald Bull intermission)
  • "Look for two types of spin punch! Watch him” (Super Macho Man intermission)

Punch-Out!! (Wii)[]

  • "You got it, kid!" (Before going against Mr Sandman in Title Defense)
  • "After you win son, I feel like taking a ride on your bike!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "You know what they say?! The bigger they are, the harder they... Punch! Let's knock this sucka out, Mac!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "Attaboy, Mac baby! This lemon's runnin' on empty! Load up on your Stars and drive your punch home!" (During intermission)
  • "He can always take a whoopin'! Ha ha ha ha!" (after Little Mac barely wins a match.)
  • "Hey, great work Mac! Now let's take down the next circuit!"
  • "Hey, great work Mac! Now let's take down the next challenger!"
  • "Quick feet, Mac! Quick feet!"
  • "Work 'em, Mac! Work 'em!"
  • "Left, right! Left, right! That's it baby!"
  • "Keep it up, Mac! Keep it up!"
  • "Hit it, kid! Hit it!"
  • "Come on, Mac! Come on!"
  • "Faster, faster! Come on, you can do it!"
  • "Push 'em out, Mac! Come on! Push 'em out!!"
  • "Ice those knuckles, son! We gotta get ready for the next challenge!" (After barely winning a fight)
  • "Alright, Mac! You won... but it wasn't pretty. Let's step it up for the next challenge!" (After barely winning a fight)
  • "Hooee, Mac baby! Let’s give Glass Joe a little respect here, okay? He can always take a whoopin'! Ha ha ha! (Glass Joe intermission in Title Defense)
  • "Hey, kid. You're causing a mess out here! You keep this up and I'm gonna have to grab a broom!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "Join the Nintendo Fun -- I-I mean, Club Nintendo today, Mac!" (during intermission and results screen)
  • "What's your favorite flower, son? Mine's chocolate! Mmmmmmm... Ha ha ha!" (during intermission)
  • "Unstoppable, kid, unstoppable! You fight like a lion! A LION!" (during results screen)
  • "Hey hey! Did you eat some of my chocolate bars?" (during intermission)
  • "You haven't knocked this sucka out yet! What's taking you so long?!"
  • "What the--! Look. I'm gonna start packing up right now. I can tell this fight's not gonna last much longer..." (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "There are many ways to eat a chocolate. But only one way to eat a chocolate bar! Ha ha ha! (during intermission)
  • "I got a feeling I should have betted on the other guy. Ha ha ha!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "Can you believe it? Your friend's worse than Glass Joe!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "Hey, kid! You're large and in charge!! Let's knock him out, baby! Knock him out!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "Listen up, son! You got nothing to worry about. Giga Mac is as predictable as a clock!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "If you're gonna hang with the big dogs, you can't be out there barking like a puppy." (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "Lights! Cameras! KNOCKOUT!! Super Macho Man is CRUISING for a BRUISING!! Hit him so hard, to knock him into next THURSDAY!" (Super Macho Man intermission)
  • "Ok, Mac, listen up. Super Macho Man LOOOOVES the spotlight! When he starts showing off for his fans, something BIG is coming!" (Super Macho Man intermission)
  • "HOOEE! Be careful out there, Mac! (Champ!) This match could end in the BLINK of an eye!!" (TD Sandman intermission)
  • "Lead with your fists. Not with your face."
  • "Doesn't it get boring bein' the champ all the time?" (Head-to-Head)
  • "Check it out, check it out. You two look the same. You must shop at the same store." (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "He's big alright! But the bigger they are, the harder they fall." (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "The more you win, the more chocolate Granny Louis let me eat! Ha ha ha!" (Rarely after a win)
  • "Winning is like chocolate! [chomp] I just love it baby!" (After a win, but happens rarely.)
  • "Don't cry, Mac. Here, I'll let you have some of my chocolate bar." (after defeat)
  • "You're making progress, Mac. Every loss is a small win..." (After several defeats)
  • "Hey, Mac! You got a gift from the WVBA, and it ain't chocolate! Check it out!" (After 100 losses, in which the headgear option is unlocked)
  • "I don't know what to tell you, son. This guy's tossing you around like a stuffed animal!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "No contest, baby! No contest! Haha! Looks like your friend has already quit!!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "What's your favorite flavor of protein shake? Mine's chocolate!" (during intermission)
  • "Don't you worry, son! We all know his Brain Age!!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "As soon as I find out how he got so big, I'm gonna have the same thing done to my chocolate bar! Ha! Ha! Ha!" (Head-to-Head mode)
  • "Where am I? I can't even find my chocolate bar! I must be in the wrong corner!" (during intermission against Great Tiger)
  • "When you're done with this sucka Mac baby, he's REALLY gonna need his sunglasses! (during intermission against Super Macho Man)
  • "Join Club Nintendo today, Mac!" (during intermission, when fighting Bald Bull and after Title Defense win. This may rarely happen after defeating Aran Ryan in Contender mode)
  • "Maybe you're so predictable. Your opponent knows all your moves! Mix 'em up, mix 'em up. Come on, now!" (Head-to-Head)
  • "Woowee, kid!! That fight was so one-sided... I think I'm gonna eat my chocolate bar sideways! Ha Ha Ha!" (After a win)
  • "You're the champ, son! Let's celebrate! I'm gonna buy you a giant chocolate bar!" (After a win)
  • "Let's go, Mac baby! Dance like a fly and bite like a mosquito. I'm talking about a BIG mosquito, baby! A great, great, BIG one!" (Between round intermission)
  • "Toupee or not toupee? That is the question!" (during intermission against Don Flamenco)
  • "Woowee, Mac Baby!" (Winning a belt)
  • "You're off to a good start, son! The belt's all yours! You're a Minor Circuit Champion now!" (After winning the Minor Circuit title)
  • ”The Major Circuit is yours, baby! You’re on the way to the top! Time to take on the World Circuit!” After winning the Major Circuit title)
  • ”You did it, Mac! You did it!! You’re the best of the best… The World Circuit Champion!” (After winning the World Circuit title)
  • “Woowee! I knew you could do it, Mac! You’re the greatest of all time!! And no one can ever take that away from you, baby!” (After beating Title Defense Mode in Career Mode)
  • "They say defending the belt is harder than getting it! I say...you're awesome!"
  • "Am I dreamin'? Woowee! This is too good to be true! You defended your title, baby!!" (Retaining the title)
  • "Alright, kid! That chump took your belt! Now let's get it back!" (Losing the title)
  • "Alright baby! The champ's back, baby! The champ, is back!" (Regaining the title)
  • "Hey, Mac baby, remind me to pick up some milk after the fight." (Doing well enough against most opponents)
  • "You know son, winning isn't that bad. You should try it sometime." (Being beaten by an opponent in multiplayer)
  • "Whoa! This guy is massive! His arms are bigger than your body, son! Heh heh heh..." (In half-time after the opponent turns into Giga Mac)
  • "You mean to tell me I traded in all of my tickets to the chocolate bar convention for THIS!?" (After Little Mac gets beaten up by his opponent in multiplayer)
  • "Ha ha! Lucky you don't have a date tonight, because it looks like you got ran over by a hippo!" (After Little Mac gets beaten up by his opponent in multiplayer)
  • "You really sure? Three losses, and you call it quits?"
  • "Alright then. Let's come out on top, kid. It's time to put your place in history." (When starting Mac's Last Stand)
  • "Can you feel it, son!! Your career's on the line, and you're battling like a champ! Are you ready for the next challenge?" (Winning in Mac's Last Stand)
  • "You got the fightin' spirit, kid! You're keeping your career alive!!" (Winning in Mac's Last Stand)
  • "Ain't it past your bedtime, kid? Don't worry, I won't tell..."
  • "OK kid. Two more losses and it's all over. Go out fighting, baby. Never, never give up!" (First loss in Mac's Last Stand)
  • "Listen, son: we've come a long way; one mistake and it's all over. It's all about heart; I know you have it! (Second loss in Mac's Last Stand)
  • "Listen, son. You've had a great career. I'm proud of you, kid. You're still the champion in my book." (Final loss in Mac's Last Stand, Mac must retire after 3 losses in Last Stand mode)
  • "Good job, son. Good job." (end of the game)
  • "Woowee, Mac! You’re a true champion, baby! If you want more of a challenge, try out Champion’s Mode in Exhibition." (After winning 10 fights in Mac's Last Stand, and unlocking Champion's Mode)
  • "Son, looks like this guy’s giving you trouble. Come to Exhibition and I'll train you for a rematch." (after first loss)
  • "Ok, Mac, be patient. Wait for that hook. He's open just before he throws it." (when facing Bald Bull)
  • "Keep practicing until you're ready! You'll get 'em soon!" (after completing Practice)
  • "Hey, Mac baby. You completed a Challenge! That's the spirit!!" (when you complete a challenge)
  • "Woowee Mac, you completed a Challenge! Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Ha ha ha!" (when you complete a challenge)
  •  "Alright, Mac! Listen up. Great job, son, I'm very proud of you. But I need you to understand, keep it in the ring! You don't want to be a bully outside the ring." (after every 100th win)

Doc Louis's Punch-Out!!:[]

  • "Every journey starts somewhere. Let's make that first punch together!" (when choosing Warm-Up in the main menu)
  • "You'll get the sweet taste of victory from training, Mac. Not from chocolate! Ha ha ha ha!" (when choosing Training in the main menu)
  • "This old Doc still has new tricks, son! Now are you ready for your final lesson?" (when choosing Sparring in the main menu)
  • "Get ready to study hard, Mac; this is called... old-school. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" (before the fight with Little Mac in any mode)
  • "You're out!" (after knocking out Little Mac)
  • "Come on, Mac. Don't cry. Let's give it another go, son." (After being KO'd by him)
  • "Keep it clean!" (as the fight starts or restarts, except when doing a KO Recovery)
  • "Duck this one...! " (this tells you to duck the punch he throws)
  • "Get low!" (another ducking command)
  • "Move, baby, move!" (dodge command)
  • "Quick feet, Mac!" (dodge command)
  • "Son, you gotta give 110% out there! I know mathematically it's only possible to give 100%, but you gotta squeeeeze that extra ten percent out there for me, Mac!" (intermission)
  • "I'm finally a fully rounded fighter, Mac! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" (intermission)
  • "Woowee! Thanks for joining Club Nintendo, Mac!" (intermission)
  • "Alright, Mac baby... Ding-ding!" (after round intermission)
  • "I telegraphed that!"
  • "That's the one I taught ya!"
  • "That was a big mosquito!"
  • "That was nice..."
  • "That can't be!"
  • "Ouch! ...Nice one, son, nice one."
  • "You're too fast!"
  • "Ouch, Mac!"
  • "Mmm... this's choc-licious! Ha ha ha!" (training match, when he is low on health, he'll take a bite out of his chocolate bar; you can't avoid this, because it goes into a cutscene)
  • "Mmm... Check this out... (chomp) That's choc-tastic!" (after taking a bite from his chocolate bar in Sparring)
  • "Come on, Mac!" (after Mac is knocked down)
  • "Learned your lesson yet?" (after Mac is knocked down)
  • "Huh! Nice one... Uuuuuhhhh..." (KO scene)
  • "I'm proud of you, son. Now are you ready for the next lesson?" (after beating Doc in Warm-Up and Training)
  • "Woowee!" (getting a star from punching Mac)
  • "No way!"
  • "What?" (when you dodge after Doc Louis tells you to dodge)
  • "Noooo! Now you've done it! You won't like Doc when he's angry!" (after knocking the candy bar out of his hand; he then rips out his track jacket, revealing another one, with a jaguar print, underneath)
  • WVBA Message: Removal of Doc Louis's chocolate bar may be hazardous to your health. The WVBA is not responsible for any frustration from this point forward. (warning displayed on the screen the first time you knock the candy from his hand)
  • "No! I told you before, son!" (after knocking the candy bar out of his hand again)
  • "I invented the Star Punch!" (when his Star Punch hits; he is cut off at "I invented..." when he misses)
  • "Woowee, son! You 'bout ready for some chocolate cake? Ha ha ha ha ha!" (after beating Doc in Sparring)
  • "Son, a fighter's gotta have great vision. Look at the differences in the way I move." (lasting past the third round in "Sparring")

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U:[]

  • "Hit 'em, baby!"
  • "You ain't no air fighter, Mac!"
  • "Let him have it, Mac!"
  • "Show him what you got, Mac baby!"
  • "You win, Mac!"
  • "Was that a lil' too easy for ya son?"
  • "Nice work, Mac! ...Ya got it all figured out."
  • "World Circuit's all yours, Mac!"
  • "And the winner is... Lil' Mac! Ha ha ha!"
  • "Ya got what it takes, Mac!"
  • "Ha! Winnin' feels good, don' it?"
  • "Way to go, Mac! You're the champ, baby!"
  • "Alright, I think I hear a chocolate bar callin'..."
  • "That belt looks good on you, son!"
  • "Nice moves, Mac!, I could barely keep my eyes on you, son!"
  • "Ain't you flashy? You makin' my eyes water, son!"
  • "You lookin' mighty good son! Just like old times, huh?" (When any of Little Mac's wireframe costumes is used)


  • Doc Louis seems to have been inspired by both Tony "Duke" Evers Sr., former boxer and coach of Apollo Creed (and later Rocky Balboa) from the Rocky franchise and the famous 1940's African-American boxer, Joe Louis.
  • Doc is the only character other than King Hippo to be KO'd by losing his health bar once, but this is mainly because he's only sparring and training with Mac, not putting him in a serious match.
  • If one player is currently Giga Mac in Head-to-Head, Doc Louis will occasionally hang upside down beside the other player during an intermission.
  • Doc tends to tell the player to join Club Nintendo. This is a reference to the release of Doc Louis's Punch-Out!!. In the same game, he tells Little Mac thanks for joining Club Nintendo during an intermission. It is also a reference to one of his quotes from the NES Punch-Out, in which he implored the player to "Join the Nintendo Fun Club today! Mac". Indeed, Doc even corrects himself in the Wii version when he says this ("Join the Nintendo Fun -- I-I mean, Club Nintendo today, Mac!").
  • Interestingly, when Doc Louis tells the player to join the Nintendo fun club/Club Nintendo, he says it it when Mac has said "Help! Doc!!" in the NES game, and when Mac has a black eye and bruises in the Wii game. This appears to be some kind of bad joke in the game, as Mac asks for help about the fight, not wondering what else to do.
  • Doc Louis's quote "Dance like a fly and bite like a mosquito." is a clear reference to Muhammad Ali's quote "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
  • In the Sparring mode of Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! it is possible to defeat him without Doc eating his chocolate.
  • Doc apparently likes to eat steak with his chocolate, as told by in one of the Mac's Last Stand wins.
  • Before going against Mr. Sandman in Contender, Doc Louis is shown to be scared of Mr. Sandman when he walks towards the ring. He even gasps and looks nervous to prompt Little Mac of his doubt on whether he has a chance against him. But when Little Mac confidently leaves the corner, Doc is shown to feel more comfortable because Mac is willing to take on Mr. Sandman. Doc keeps his confidence in Title Defense, as he allows Little Mac into the ring by making room. This fear of Sandman is quite humorous, as they both share the same voice actor.
  • Doc Louis appears in Little Mac's reveal trailer from Smash Bros. He also appears in Little Mac's victory animations and will occasionally throw in a line during Little Mac's taunts.
  • In the Wii Game, pressing the - button during intermission will make Doc eat a bar of chocolate, which somehow makes Mac regain health. This can only be done once per match. Pressing the B button during intermission will make Doc repeat his advice. Pressing the + button during intermission will skip Doc's advice.
  • In the Wii Game, Great Tiger sometimes will use his magic to swap places with Doc. This makes Doc surprised, confused and unable to find his chocolate bar.
  • Bald Bull directly mentions Doc in some of his intermission quotes in the NES and Wii Punch Out games. It's unconfirmed if Bald Bull has any prior history with Doc.
  • In Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U, Doc Louis appears as a trophy.
    • Also in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U, Doc Louis appears after Little Mac wins a match.
    • Occasionally, Doc will speak when Mac taunts in the same games.
  • Despite the WVBA's flagrant disregard for weight classes, Doc is described as an ex-heavyweight champion. It's possible that the WVBA had weight classes when Doc fought, but has since abolished them. Alternatively, Doc might have fought under a different organization.

Rule infractions[]

Though is not known about Doc Louis's boxing career and fights, it's known about that he committed some infractions during fights in Doc Louis's Punch-Out. However, since he is training Little Mac and not actually fighting him, he may get a pass.

As per the unified rules of boxing established by the Association of Boxing Commissions and Combat Sports:

  • His attire would violate 6 rules:
    • Instead of boxing shoes or boxing boots, he wears jogging sneakers.
    • Doc Louis wears two shirts. Big circuit professional boxing (aka where he fought at since he was the W.V.B.A. World Circuit Champion or the Champion of the World) doesn't allow torso coverings making his red jacket and jaguar shirt illegal.
    • Instead of boxing shorts, he wears long blue pants, which makes it harder to spot low blows.
      • His pants go below his knees, which isn't allowed in boxing.
      • He tucks his pants into his shoes.
  • Doc would break 8 (or 9) rules in regard to him eating chocolate bars:
    • He eats one during a round, this counts as bringing a foreign object into the ring, which isn't allowed in boxing.
    • He also uses his chocolate bar to enhance his strength. This counts as the use of a foreign object which is a separated infraction.
    • Making an illegal maneuver to enhance the strength is not allowed in boxing due to it being an illegal advantage.
    • Boxers are not allowed to eat or drink anything during a round, which gives Doc another infraction for eating chocolate in the middle of a round, even if he is a retired boxer who is only training Little Mac.
    • The chocolate bar, besides of being a foreign object, counts as an illegal nourishment.
    • His chocolate bar is sealed in an opened wrapper, which also counts as a foreign object.
    • Doc Louis will restore his health when eating his chocolate bar. This is a way of prolonging the fight, which isn't allowed.
    • He can also eat a chocolate bar while Little Mac is fighting to somehow regain his health. However, it's up to the player for him to do that.
    • He also seemingly never runs out of chocolate bars, and can generate them whenever he likes no matter how many times Little Mac gets rid of them, giving him countless infractions for bringing and using countless chocolate bars.

Him showing his back is not an infraction, as he is a retired boxer and is only training Little Mac for the WVBA Circuits.

Doc Louis would have 14 infractions and 1 possible infraction in a non-training enviornment.

List of game appearances[]

This is a list of game appearances for Doc Louis. Punch-Out!! titles are in bold.

Title Year System Role
Punch-Out!! 1987 Nintendo Entertainment System Supporting character
Super Smash Bros. Brawl 2008 Wii Referenced in Little Mac's Trophy's description
Punch-Out!! 2009 Wii Supporting character
Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! 2009 Wii (WiiWare) Opponent
NES Remix 2 and Ultimate NES Remix 2014 Nintendo 3DS, Wii U Cameo in mini-games
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U 2014 Nintendo 3DS, Wii U Appears in Little Mac's victory poses; Blue item; Trophy
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2018 Nintendo Switch Appears in Little Mac's victory poses; Spirit
Luigi's Mansion 3 2019 Nintendo Switch Cameo on a framed poster



  1. ^ Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! instruction manual. 1987. pp. 3.
Punch-Out!! characters
Punch-Out!! (1984) Challenger · Glass Joe · Piston Hurricane · Bald Bull · Kid Quick · Pizza Pasta · Mr. Sandman
Super Punch-Out!! (1985) Challenger · Bear Hugger · Dragon Chan · Vodka Drunkenski · Great Tiger · Super Macho Man
Arm Wrestling Challenger · Texas Mac · Kabuki · Mask X · Alice & Ape III · Frank Jr.
Punch-Out!! (1987) Little Mac · Doc Louis · Glass Joe · Von Kaiser · Piston Honda · Don Flamenco · King Hippo · Great Tiger · Bald Bull · Soda Popinski · Mr. Sandman · Super Macho Man · Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream
Super Punch-Out!! (1994) Little Mac · Gabby Jay · Bear Hugger · Piston Hurricane · Bald Bull · Bob Charlie · Dragon Chan · Masked Muscle · Mr. Sandman · Aran Ryan · Heike Kagero · Mad Clown · Super Macho Man · Narcis Prince · Hoy Quarlow · Rick Bruiser · Nick Bruiser
Punch-Out!! (2009) Little Mac · Doc Louis · Glass Joe · Von Kaiser · Disco Kid · King Hippo · Piston Hondo · Bear Hugger · Great Tiger · Don Flamenco · Aran Ryan · Soda Popinski · Bald Bull · Super Macho Man · Mr. Sandman · Donkey Kong