Pizza Pasta, like Kid Quick, only appeared in the arcade version of Punch-Out!! as the #1 contender for the WVBA Championship.
Punch-Out!! (1984)[]
In the Punch-Out!! arcade game, he fights with basic moves, and is as quick and tough as Kid Quick; however, his most notable move is when he comes in to grab his opponent. As soon as he does this, he throws a very powerful uppercut. Players must keep punching him in the face repeatedly until he goes down. He is known for his half punches or rush attack that allow him to always punch where you aren’t guarding.
Jab: He throws a jab.
Hook: He throws a hook dodging to the right.
Body Hook: He throws a full hook body blow.
Half Body Blow: He throws a quick half body blow which he will block if you attempt to counter punch.
Uppercut: Pizza Pasta dodges and throws an uppercut. Usually comes from the left, but rarely comes from the right. This has 3 versions. If he does it randomly, he will duck. If he grabs you, he will instantly do this if you escape. If he freezes, attempt to hit him and he will duck and throw the uppercut.
Clinch: He stands there until you punch. He will then grab you before doing an uppercut which you may be forced to take. The uppercut may be slow enough so you can dodge.
Rush Attack: Only used after his grab move. He will attempt to hit you where you are not blocking. To avoid this attack keep punching him till he's down. If you fall down, he will stop this move. In this state he cannot access any of his moves. There is a glitch: if you survive too long and Pizza Pasta uses one of his other moves, he will not do anything for the rest of the round.
Alternative Rush: Pizza will throw 5 or 7 jabs or body blows then throw an uppercut.
After 1984 debut[]
In Super Punch-Out!! (SNES), the character Aran Ryan shares some similarities with Pizza Pasta, such as them both having the same special attack, having the same palettes, and both looking very similar. While it is currently unknown if Pizza Pasta was originally intended to appear in Super Punch-Out before being scrapped and retooled as a new character, what is true of the connection are the similarities listed above. Aran Ryan also does a superior version of Pizza Pasta's special move, where he not only grabs his opponent, but also regains his health.
Don Flamenco's Title Defense design in the Wii Version of Punch-Out!! somewhat resembles Pizza Pasta (but instead of dark green shorts, they are black ones, still maintaining the red stripe.).
Rule Infractions[]
Pizza Pasta has 0 infractions, making him tied with Kid Quick as the cleanest fighters in the Punch-Out!! series.
Punch-Out!! (arcade)[]
- "Hua ha ha ha!" (Victory)
- His name is a reference to Italian food.
- According to Punch-Out!! creator Genyo Takeda in his interview for the 2009 Punch-Out!! Wii title, the boxer's name "means that he sticks around and is hard to beat down", while former president of Nintendo Co. Ltd. Satoru Iwata said, "Like the way cheese on pizza is sticky."
- Pizza Pasta is from Napoli, Italy, which was where pizza was invented.